- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/uPTt97zXK6 Thanks to @dmytrodanylyk @timtorres @ewfusa #security #cybersecurity 08:16:44, 2017-10-22
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/uPTt97zXK6 Thanks to @DFIRSummit @Haukr @nowheresly #cybersecurity 12:16:45, 2017-10-22
- Another supply chain attack #fb #lin https://t.co/x4MaAi6GeT 17:37:58, 2017-10-22
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/ZeimIgH4Pg Thanks to @iosonogio @pentasecsystems @MSubzz #security #cybersecurity 08:16:40, 2017-10-23
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/ZeimIgH4Pg Thanks to @R4H0r4khty #cybersecurity 12:16:47, 2017-10-23
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/LIk5bHrfGF Thanks to @Cristina_Tecna @zetaraffix #security #cybersecurity 08:16:44, 2017-10-24
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/LIk5bHrfGF Thanks to @Haukr #cybersecurity 12:16:47, 2017-10-24
- RT @SecureTheHuman: Learn about cryptocurrencies (e.g. #Bitcoin) and how it’s the next big #cybersecurity threat: https://t.co/BvG4I6jp4j 19:35:24, 2017-10-24
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/BOuds5vTpD Thanks to @McAfee @JohnKlugman @JHuntSecurity #security #cybersecurity 08:16:48, 2017-10-25
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/BOuds5vTpD Thanks to @andrewbartram #cybersecurity 12:16:45, 2017-10-25
- RT @0xAmit: I can confirm – Vaccination for #badrabbit:
Create the following files c:\windows\infpub.dat && c:\windows\cscc.dat – remove AL… 19:43:04, 2017-10-25
- RT @0xAmit: I can confirm – Vaccination for #badrabbit:
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/VAkVDhmz37 Thanks to @SandeepL337 @AuroraInfoTech @su_unlettered #security #cybersecurity 08:16:44, 2017-10-26
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/VAkVDhmz37 #cybersecurity 12:16:45, 2017-10-26
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/mmgXLdgEv3 Thanks to @SungrazerComets @SANSInstitute @20committee #security #cybersecurity 08:16:42, 2017-10-27
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/mmgXLdgEv3 Thanks to @Metacurity @MSubzz #cybersecurity 12:16:44, 2017-10-27
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/5qShUkUBYN Thanks to @Antonio80040960 @KunalUNODC @PaulHemJr #security # 08:16:44, 2017-10-28
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/5qShUkUBYN Thanks to @_CyPro @quttera @ThinkDefense # 12:16:47, 2017-10-28