The Armando Leotta Daily is out! Stories via @Blogosfere 08:17:25, 2015-04-19 Russians are using undiscovered exploits to #hack the US government #security #lin #exploit #cyberwar #fb 10:08:55, 2015-04-19…
Mese: Aprile 2015
ArMyZ security issues weekly roundup | 18-04-2015
The Armando Leotta Daily is out! 08:18:54, 2015-04-12 Euro - trova l'intruso - - #Frankfurt #fb 12:45:03, 2015-04-12 The Armando Leotta Daily is out! 08:18:54, 2015-04-13 RT…
[iOS 8.3 + iphone 6 plus]: anche no, grazie
Aggiornato a 8.3. Tutto sembra filare liscio ma... รจ impossibile parlare al telefono! Rumore metallico pazzesco, rende le telefonate sia in ricezione che in trasmissione letteralmente ingestibili. Da notare che…
ArMyZ security issues weekly roundup | 11-04-2015
The Armando Leotta Daily is out! Stories via @SdTifo @webeconoscenza 08:18:56, 2015-04-05 A Norwegian Watergate? #Security #privacy #intelligence #lin #fb 23:12:49, 2015-04-05 5 simple rules for securely storing…
ArMyZ security issues weekly roundup | 04-04-2015
iOS 8.2 and still no way to check mail message headers through built in mail app. Am I missing something? #iOS #Apple #fb 07:56:18, 2015-03-29 The Armando Leotta Daily is…