- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/xhImQwLagu Stories via @ComcastroDemi @SwiftOnSecurity @rugkme 08:17:21, 2015-11-08
- RT @sonounprecario: L'ultima gara sancisce definitivamente la piccolezza di un uomo chiamato Marc Marquez. #GpValencia #SkyMotori 14:51:08, 2015-11-08
- Lorenzo grandioso. A campionato vinto, ad aiuto capitalizzato, sputtana marquez ammettendo l'aiuto. #lammerda2 #fb 15:38:50, 2015-11-08
- Volete domande tecniche? Ok, tecnicamente ci hanno fatto il biscotto #skymotori come mai lo ammette solo a vantaggio capitalizzato? #fb 15:49:20, 2015-11-08
- RT @HoldMe: Marquez e Lorenzo nel nuovo Titanic: "Ti fidi di me?" Bella storia d'amore! #iostoconVale @ValeYellow46 #diconodite https://t.c… 15:49:32, 2015-11-08
- RT @TheNextWeb: Hackers claim $1 million bounty after remotely jailbreaking iPhones https://t.co/BSpgqL8Qlu https://t.co/T4EMOkxpSP 16:31:23, 2015-11-08
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/b5bMXYOZx0 Stories via @freszferenc 08:17:22, 2015-11-09
- Ecco Internet Park, il primo data center italiano totalmente neutrale – Il Sole 24 ORE #fb https://t.co/ezwKRIv5Ot 22:55:04, 2015-11-09
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/e3zS4ZIlzB Stories via @ACSC_steven @btodataprotect @Andre_Verzaal 08:17:22, 2015-11-10
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/U23AaEzVam Stories via @authoralijavan @CamilleZuchowsk @juergi112 08:17:24, 2015-11-11
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/vzh2WZWXKo Stories via @marc_barbezat @Metacurity @VonyaGlobal 08:17:22, 2015-11-12
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/JTGcav2TfI Stories via @HevershamIntel @DarkOperator @abokbaloch 08:17:26, 2015-11-13
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/VB8jwyb0kV Stories via @GanjapreneurCom @NO2CCTV @F5Security 08:17:21, 2015-11-14