- Analisi di un codice malevolo in un PDF – Analysis using #PDFStreamDumper http://t.co/8Fa7jZ3y #tac 16:48:50, 2011-11-20
- Infosec Weekly Roundup http://t.co/Gz7qo6zJ #tac 16:49:31, 2011-11-20
- Anonymous Hacks Back at Cybercrime Investigators http://t.co/J9TKl4hX #tac 16:51:47, 2011-11-20
- The mad hacker: A cyber criminal’s successful transition http://t.co/rMdpCits #tac 16:54:04, 2011-11-20
- Xplico The Internet Traffic Decoder v0.7.0 released http://t.co/9NP4dzXg #nfat #forensic #tac 17:01:27, 2011-11-20
- RT @PeteBelyea: Think You're Anonymous? Google Analytics May Prove Different http://t.co/T83xYCeW #privacy #tac 17:32:10, 2011-11-20
- ArMyZ security issues weekly roundup | 19-11-2011 – http://t.co/8VzRJosj 20:03:27, 2011-11-20
- #Anonymous #DDoS sotto attacco sito governativo spagnolo con webloic (TARGET http://t.co/DGygzwbd) 21:40:05, 2011-11-20
- L'attacco è tuttora in corso RT @ArMyZ #Anonymous #DDoS sotto attacco sito governativo spagnolo con webloic (TARGET http://t.co/DGygzwbd) 21:43:50, 2011-11-20
- NASDAQ Implements New #Security Measures Following Cyber Attack http://t.co/qzKCCJI1 22:24:43, 2011-11-21
- OpenPGP JavaScript implementation allows webmail encryption http://t.co/3iW1XEKY 22:25:49, 2011-11-21
- Anatomy of the #Duqu Attacks http://t.co/Hqo4bMop 22:26:35, 2011-11-21
- Siri now controls the house temperature, thanks to a hacker’s proxy server http://t.co/GrwpF4sz 22:29:35, 2011-11-21
- AT&T informs customers of attempted data #hack http://t.co/gmbs7dU2 06:49:25, 2011-11-22
- Interview with SCADA hacker pr0f about the state of infrastructure security http://t.co/Bk8mHEM3 06:51:01, 2011-11-22
- #DDoS #Attack on http://t.co/y79VETid http://t.co/wOIN6Rwd #botnet 06:52:58, 2011-11-22
- EFF proposes #SSL encryption standard extension http://t.co/PObDSG3f 20:27:09, 2011-11-22
- #Cybercrime statistics in Ireland http://t.co/IRoMqomr 20:36:13, 2011-11-22
- WordPress 3.3: The 11 Most Important New Features http://t.co/gUDXyX8f 22:20:04, 2011-11-22
- Mass Disclose of #Vulnerabilities in #SAP http://t.co/vxU5KKoJ 22:25:04, 2011-11-22
- iCloud Apple ID Security Flaw Plaguing Some Users http://t.co/fOR26ULS 22:10:15, 2011-11-23
- Top 10 apps for new iPhone users http://t.co/QIKO2zaZ 22:13:16, 2011-11-23
- How to Turn iCloud Into a Dropbox-like Syncing Service http://t.co/xxRB4jCk 22:18:38, 2011-11-23
- Linux: 20 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins http://t.co/uaFnYQ09 22:22:02, 2011-11-23
- Un OTP al posto del codice di verifica – Ultra Secure Bank Cards Arrive On The Market http://t.co/GuFxZQAN 22:25:34, 2011-11-23
- "La babania esiste e la prova è il babà" (semicit.) 12:31:32, 2011-11-24
- Free Online #Cryptography Class from Stanford University in January http://t.co/ZVJ0isV4 – ottima iniziativa! – 21:29:14, 2011-11-24
- So now you’re on LinkedIn: What’s next? http://t.co/AB5A9V1c #malware 21:31:05, 2011-11-24
- Data Integrity: MD5/SHA1 are Your Best Friends! http://t.co/vFGfVJ8R #lovinghashfunctions 21:32:42, 2011-11-24
- Hungarian #hacks into Marriot, tries to land job through blackmail http://t.co/OwjUJ0lA – #nicetry – 21:37:02, 2011-11-24
- #Fake #iTunes gift certificate delivers a load of #malware for Black Friday shoppers http://t.co/kpeGq9FN – WARNING – 21:38:34, 2011-11-24
- To keep, save & remember. Top 10 Most Famous Hackers of All Time http://t.co/hah2y4R0 (hi @kevinmitnick ;-), I know you're around) 21:46:22, 2011-11-24
- Tails – freeware suite offers ultimate Internet security http://t.co/zJpohMzT #Tor 21:50:26, 2011-11-24
- European high court rejects Internet traffic filtering as violation of fundamental rights http://t.co/jzR74VgQ 21:14:00, 2011-11-25
- New UK Cyber Security Strategy revealed http://t.co/xWUpWla5 21:14:39, 2011-11-25
- Anonymous: 'We hacked cybercop's email' http://t.co/SlXBSQSe 21:15:06, 2011-11-25
- Security researcher demonstrates Windows 8 bootkit http://t.co/35yPac7M 21:15:43, 2011-11-25
- #SMS #Trojans: all around the world http://t.co/7KpfByO4 #android 21:17:57, 2011-11-25
- What Is A #Putty #Hijack? http://t.co/pNcCtucm 21:20:23, 2011-11-25
- Five Key Aspects of a Good #Infosec #Risk #Assessment http://t.co/qNoeEvXK #security 08:59:38, 2011-11-26
- European finance firms not confident on disaster recovery http://t.co/NCs4NEk2 09:03:07, 2011-11-26
- #XSS Deep Dive http://t.co/SdGowmzl #analisys #sanitization #framework #security 09:07:19, 2011-11-26
- CybOX v0.6.2 – Cyber Observable eXpression (#MITRE) http://t.co/O2fcrN7L #framework #security 09:10:59, 2011-11-26
- "'morning #siri, how are you today, honey?" http://t.co/cy9yV9Tr 11:48:20, 2011-11-26
- UK government ‘planning to launch Stuxnet-like attacks’ against hostile states http://t.co/OGlebQH4 17:22:12, 2011-11-26
- How to Write a Linux Firewall in Less than 1000 Lines of Code Part 1–Overview http://t.co/TmTiopsW 17:23:10, 2011-11-26
- #siri, what's the meaning of life? http://t.co/jn0fA2dn 20:21:15, 2011-11-26
- Lights: An amazing display of WebGL power. Kiss your Flash goodbye http://t.co/YvdnqOEv 21:58:25, 2011-11-26
- Interrogation of Byron Sonne, Toronto G20 #hacker on trumped up charges for mocking G20 #security http://t.co/7zGQo5a3 21:59:35, 2011-11-26
- UK #Government Releases #Cyber #Security #Strategy http://t.co/HTmwFZM6 22:05:39, 2011-11-26
- How computer simulations of animal behavior led to a powerful new form of secret communication http://t.co/FEayQ31n #steganography 22:08:14, 2011-11-26
- Apache HTTP Server Reverse Proxy/Rewrite URL Validation Issue http://t.co/JQzVq2V3 22:11:09, 2011-11-26