- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw Stories via @eccoilmoro @elenatocci 08:16:11, 2015-03-15
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw Stories via @yanez72 @RobGrassilli @tweetsroma 08:16:09, 2015-03-16
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw Stories via @fabiochiusi 08:16:09, 2015-03-17
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16Nvlj4 08:16:08, 2015-03-18
- Beware the “Insert and Link” Feature in Microsoft Office #security #lin #fb http://t.co/VeYzT9PvFm 23:43:27, 2015-03-18
- China (Finally) Admits to #Hacking #security #lin #fb http://t.co/jDV1MyLPgS 23:47:04, 2015-03-18
- Bad news #Android #malware – Google Play apps and updates must now pass human review #security #lin #fb http://t.co/PFUC4XXzQ4 23:49:32, 2015-03-18
- Why senior managers need to be involved in data #security #governance #lin #y2sec #fb http://t.co/gEjhX1hob4 23:54:05, 2015-03-18
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw Stories via @abruzzoweb @Marileda 08:16:09, 2015-03-19
- Dopo la Juve anche la Roma chiude a 0-3. #sviolinaquesto 21:11:18, 2015-03-19
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw Stories via @webgol 08:16:10, 2015-03-20
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw 08:16:10, 2015-03-21