- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/RTA4PlbpzK Stories via @tweetsroma @Blogosfere 08:18:07, 2015-02-01
- Vi presento la banda larga, larghissima. Grazie @TiscaliHelpDesk, ogni mese ci sentiamo. Arriverà la fibra! #fail #fb http://t.co/Q8mqvcGPgb 08:50:06, 2015-02-01
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16O4xPI Stories via @Gioxx 08:18:05, 2015-02-02
- Sopra gli alberi – http://t.co/YteRgJfqgu 09:04:15, 2015-02-02
- Metro – http://t.co/EZE7QmGh9O 09:27:19, 2015-02-02
- test – http://t.co/WaQ2nT03o2 12:51:06, 2015-02-02
- Sopra gli alberi – http://t.co/fqgvdeauO6 16:17:14, 2015-02-02
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16O4xPI Stories via @Blogosfere @AstroSamantha 08:18:11, 2015-02-03
- “@TiscaliHelpDesk: @ArMyZ puoi inviare Ne.Me.Sys per cessare senza penali. MS” sarà fatto. Grazie in reply to TiscaliHelpDesk 19:35:12, 2015-02-03
- “@TiscaliHelpDesk: il tecn ha chiuso la segnalazione indicando che 4M fosse il profilo adatto e non migliorabile. MS” aggancia a 6 e non va in reply to TiscaliHelpDesk 21:40:23, 2015-02-03
- Fake Facebook Account Suspended emails lead to #Trojans, #ransomware #security #fb http://t.co/qnuHfKACO7 22:55:19, 2015-02-03
- New Strain of #Banking #Trojan Targets #Android, Steals SMS #security #fb http://t.co/qUfulXeQQl 22:59:25, 2015-02-03
- BMW issues security patch for bug allowing attackers #physical access into vehicles #security http://t.co/31tw8cqmzS 23:02:49, 2015-02-03
- 1,800 Domains Overtaken by Flash Zero Day | #security #0day http://t.co/fdfhkAPTBL 23:05:13, 2015-02-03
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw 08:18:05, 2015-02-04
- Arc de Triomphe – http://t.co/2pHBSO4xp0 14:13:21, 2015-02-04
- Central Bank of Italy Declares Virtual Currency Exchanges Are Not Subject to AML Requirements – #bitcoin https://t.co/KRjKr4YQ8g 22:52:03, 2015-02-04
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw Stories via @pestoverde 08:18:06, 2015-02-05
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw 08:18:05, 2015-02-06
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/TSd16NdKrw Stories via @rogeragrimes @LivePaola 08:18:06, 2015-02-07