- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/ePNmccLlmK Thanks to @ottavionava @msessop1 #security #cybercrime 08:16:42, 2017-02-19
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/ePNmccLlmK Thanks to @zetaraffix #cybercrime 12:16:46, 2017-02-19
- “Secure” Trump website #defaced by #hacker claiming to be from Iraq #Security https://t.co/eBHzBU9oSv 07:57:54, 2017-02-20
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/ISo0uWo9Vw Thanks to @pseudonyme_ovb @drstasko @xythanatos86 #security #infosec 08:16:44, 2017-02-20
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/ISo0uWo9Vw Thanks to @demonproducer #infosec 12:16:45, 2017-02-20
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/T8OchvuOrD Thanks to @IltwitdiGalatea @BelleEnArgent @Ravishankerrao #security #infosec 08:16:42, 2017-02-21
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/T8OchvuOrD Thanks to @hardcorejudas @computersandlaw #infosec 12:16:44, 2017-02-21
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/cSdd0IKVEu Thanks to @mskaff @TALGroup @jpmahony #security #cybercrime 08:16:47, 2017-02-22
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/cSdd0IKVEu Thanks to @rajutiwary85 @MeridioNews #cybercrime 12:16:44, 2017-02-22
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/MezalH6ZmO Thanks to @OlivettiOnline @ELouisv @RomGame1 #security #cybercrime 08:16:41, 2017-02-23
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/MezalH6ZmO Thanks to @NancyCollantine @MarcoRomagna86 @domenicopennone #cybercrime 12:16:45, 2017-02-23
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/e0T2iHDeW0 Thanks to @Haukr @chloe078203 @EthnosIT1 #security #cybercrime 08:16:49, 2017-02-24
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/e0T2iHDeW0 Thanks to @MeridioNews @F5Security #cybercrime 12:16:45, 2017-02-24
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/BBEXsTAnlq Thanks to @SophTac @jcpreece @KennAi25 #security #cybercrime 08:16:42, 2017-02-25
- The latest The Armando Leotta Daily! https://t.co/BBEXsTAnlq Thanks to @NathanWBowser @domenicopennone @romaierioggi #cybercrime 12:16:45, 2017-02-25
- RT @marcan42: This is how the SHA1 collision PDF format trick works (it's really an embedded JPEG format trick) https://t.co/ogPuPegKL6 22:13:15, 2017-02-25