- ArMyZ security issues weekly roundup | 04-02-2012 – http://t.co/gQrDsbEc 00:54:02, 2012-02-05
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/cq3Lvq3R ▸ Top stories today via @markingegno 16:18:04, 2012-02-05
- How did Anonymous hack the FBI? http://t.co/p2jrsudO #li 22:28:18, 2012-02-05
- DNS Changer infrastructure shutdown is a *good* thing http://t.co/XicREBjg #li 22:29:09, 2012-02-05
- #XSS Prevention in Four Simple Steps http://t.co/qB9sOb0K #owasp #li 22:32:39, 2012-02-05
- Hacking Worm Holes in iTunes http://t.co/a9ckWwwi #li 22:34:41, 2012-02-05
- Anonymous hacks website of pro-ACTA group Prophon in Bulgaria http://t.co/L10rCpwt #li 22:35:42, 2012-02-05
- CyberForce: Anonymous Linked Group Claims Responsibility For Hack On Swedish Government http://t.co/J2U8aFpU #li 22:36:48, 2012-02-05
- Dopo giustizia.it anche Mediaset.it? #anonymous #li 22:50:05, 2012-02-05
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/cq3Lvq3R ▸ Top stories today via @ecb_europa_eu @aie_82 @kawakumi @davide_brivio 17:33:07, 2012-02-06
- Symantec warns of #Android #Trojans that mutate with every download http://t.co/xvuf2pbS #polymorphism #li 21:44:05, 2012-02-06
- Over 3 years later, "deleted" Facebook photos are still online http://t.co/Lhd0OB2J #li 21:46:16, 2012-02-06
- Hackers crack new online #banking #security putting 25m people at risk http://t.co/n6Z2Bd9a #li 21:48:22, 2012-02-06
- The three types of online attackers http://t.co/IAlD5DYz #li 21:52:57, 2012-02-06
- FBI Hacked While Congress Ponders #Cybersecurity Legislation http://t.co/H4PpQW6m #li 21:54:31, 2012-02-06
- RT @CompuSecure Law enforcement websites under attack by hackers http://t.co/o8E1sb63 #li 22:05:02, 2012-02-06
- Citrix ICA Client Engine, un vero manifesto geek & nerd alla vita -wfica32.exe (quando il nome di un processo racchiude il senso della vita) 11:30:19, 2012-02-07
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/cq3Lvq3R 20:11:18, 2012-02-07
- Why is a 14-month-old patched #Microsoft #vulnerability still being exploited? http://t.co/bVZvzMuA #li 21:32:33, 2012-02-07
- Cartographies of Time: A Visual History of the Timeline http://t.co/ul8Zb9SJ 21:34:18, 2012-02-07
- Lurk & learn to protect your infrastructure – Attack of the Shuriken: Many Hands, Many Weapons http://t.co/I95Z2z0C #ddos #attack #tool #li 21:40:53, 2012-02-07
- Google to Stop Using Online #CRL Checks for Chrome http://t.co/SCbVZgBa #certificate #li 21:42:51, 2012-02-07
- Warning – Malicious ads on #security websites http://t.co/SaL79lRw #li 21:44:54, 2012-02-07
- Warning – New "Man in the Browser" #Attack Bypasses Banks' Two-Factor Authentication Systems http://t.co/GNPhSYY0 #mib #mitm #li 21:47:16, 2012-02-07
- Web Attack Ahead of Tax Season http://t.co/RktR9nxX #li 08:44:39, 2012-02-08
- What if a #Virus Infected a Virus? ‘#Frankenware’ Spotted by Security Firm http://t.co/NYJTJNGH #li #learningcorner 08:46:24, 2012-02-08
- #Kelihos #botnet variant being assembled, claim Kaspersky and Microsoft http://t.co/T5ecEBVG #li 08:47:07, 2012-02-08
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/cq3Lvq3R 20:51:48, 2012-02-08
- Crypto crack makes satellite phones vulnerable to #eavesdropping http://t.co/3Xy8e4Pd #li 22:12:01, 2012-02-08
- What’s Wrong with WAFs and How to Hack Them – http://t.co/AHwbnQql #xss #learningcorner #wap #li 22:15:02, 2012-02-08
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/cq3Lvq3R 21:16:32, 2012-02-09
- Identify Possible Infection of #Malware Into the #Wireshark Capture File http://t.co/yejo9BfF #li 21:49:20, 2012-02-09
- Citadel #banking #malware is evolving and spreading rapidly, researchers warn http://t.co/JMx0us8t #li 21:51:37, 2012-02-09
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/cq3Lvq3R ▸ Top stories today via @msftsecurity @terminal 20:46:06, 2012-02-10
- Dutch ISP KPN hacked, credentials and personal information leaked http://t.co/5PBhZtKh #dataloss #leakage #li 15:06:13, 2012-02-11
- The ‘Chupa Cabra’ #malware: attacks on #payment devices http://t.co/BQWtfcZJ #li 15:11:01, 2012-02-11
- The United Nations hacked, Team Poison claims responsibility http://t.co/0tFmkxx6 #li #hack 15:12:31, 2012-02-11
- Update: CIA site back up after Anonymous claims #attacks on it and Alabama state sites http://t.co/zVffxbXX #li 15:14:24, 2012-02-11
- Little Snitch vs. Hands Off: Which Monitoring Utility is Better? http://t.co/JUYakdUm #macosx 15:18:13, 2012-02-11
- Attacking the Phishers: An Autopsy on Compromised #Phishing Websites http://t.co/DVlEDWvh #li 15:19:31, 2012-02-11
- Social Networking for Kids http://t.co/8thtrbgN #safety #awareness #li 15:21:08, 2012-02-11
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! http://t.co/cq3Lvq3R ▸ Top stories today via @seczone 18:10:09, 2012-02-11