- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/HK4IW4z3X3 Stories via @michelledomey @duzovaa40 @PrinceAtreis 08:18:51, 2016-01-24
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/emNpQtmGEU Stories via @dutchlight360 @GoldenGatewayUS 08:18:05, 2016-01-25
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/0fOG89lrO1 Stories via @myGreenDuck @OneMorePeter @senabakiii 08:18:05, 2016-01-26
- RT @kaspersky: How has #malware evolved over the past 25 years? Find out: #iteducation #infosec https://t.co/cVsIxlEftD https://t.co/OWsiQ… 22:47:19, 2016-01-26
- RT @kaspersky: #ebook cybervandalism to cybercrime https://t.co/cVsIxlEftD #infosec #it #iteducation https://t.co/KnkazNMhEh 06:43:48, 2016-01-27
- RT @TechL0G: Turkey becomes top target for DDoS attacks: The final quarter of… https://t.co/E03HdtZszZ #Article #DDoS #Security |https://t.… 06:48:10, 2016-01-27
- RT @MeridioNews: Giorno di Memoria, i luoghi della Catania ebraica
«Resti di sinagoga coperti da erba e spa… https://t.co/NPwz8cjqum https:… 06:52:52, 2016-01-27 - The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/HNspxATY1R Stories via @IntelSec_News @def_chewbacha @HackRead 08:18:02, 2016-01-27
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/vDpUh1Gn6t Stories via @loveplusbitcoin @hiaadiv @IAcyberman 08:18:03, 2016-01-28
- ENISA #Threat Landscape 2015 #enisa https://t.co/kwuse36ITb #risk #security #lin #y2sec #fb 23:21:23, 2016-01-28
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/nwIhKdoB5f Stories via @klonkitchen @Julioc1970 @Acumin 08:18:19, 2016-01-29
- RT @TheRegister: US military finds F-35 software is a buggy mess https://t.co/X0bC1BdmkV https://t.co/YnQ8ztljq1 20:43:56, 2016-01-29
- The Armando Leotta Daily is out! https://t.co/4S7RALp46t Stories via @my_deux @Toby691 @CERT_Polska_en 08:18:22, 2016-01-30